Initial position
In high-performance pulse systems, each pulse is analyzed to control the efficiency of the entire system. For the analysis, several complex mathematical calculations must be performed within 20ms. Initially, a system consisting of a PC, a measuring card and a self-written software was available. This system was not suitable for industrial use and had to be improved.
Together with the internal customer, I created a detailed specification for the analysis system. It quickly became clear that standard control electronics did not have sufficient performance for this task. Special hardware was needed. I investigated several suppliers. In addition to the price, the subsequent independence from the hardware supplier was also important.
Together with the project team, I defined interfaces that included future plant concepts. To manage this project, I created a plan that took into account time, budget, and resources. In regular project meetings, I coordinated the work of the internal project team and the external supplier.
Basic algorithms were further developed internally and optimized for the hardware. The internal project team also provided the corresponding interfaces at the plants. This concerned both the hardware and the adaptations to the system control.
The complete hardware development of the analysis system was the task of the external supplier. He also adapted the basic software (Unix) and integrated all necessary service modules (data storage, communication protocols, web server).
In parallel with the development, I set up a test plan. This defined the test procedure and the test results to be achieved. Most of the testing was done by the internal team at two plants, a small part at the external supplier. Some modification to the software was necessary, as well as the repetition of some tests, before all goals could be achieved.
At the end of the project, I wrote and revised an operating manual. I handed over the fast analysis system to the internal customer. It is now an important part of all high-voltage pulse systems.

Targets and key figures

November 2009 – December 2010

Budget 200’000 CHF

Five employees in the team

Mechanical and electrical industry