When I was a boy, I occasionally helped to bring hay to the stage at a farmer’s house. Once I lost a shoe in the process, I couldn’t find it on my own in the gigantic amount of hay. Only with the help of the farmer, who knew his stage and his haystack very well and asked me the right questions, it was possible to find my shoe and escape the “thunder” at home.
I still encounter the “haystack” today, but in a slightly more abstract and complicated way: as a market for pulsed power applications. At that time, I knew exactly what to look for. With today’s “haystacks” you may not yet know what a bijou is hiding inside. And something else is different: Now I am the “farmer” who knows his stage and his pile well and can search efficiently by asking the right questions.
And who is today in the role of me then? They are companies that want to dare and grow. Who want to extend their product range or even expand into the Pulsed-Power sector. So does a manufacturer of components that play a key role in pulsed power applications. He had little experience in this area, but it was clear to him that he needed to invest. To assess whether the investment would be worthwhile, he wanted to know how big the potential market was and how strong the competition was.
I put my diverse experience into a market study and answered both questions for him. For this purpose, I used various techniques, such as an in-depth patent analysis. I have divided the market into the various applications and listed their specific requirements. This way, I could tell my customer the applications where an investment would be most worthwhile. The result was surprising and motivating for him.

Can I also help you find the Bijou in your haystack?
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