Read more: Cost reduction of a high voltage device
For a product family, I should verify the savings potential, independent of my customer’s internal development. To do this, I analyzed the cost structure for the key components of the high-voltage device. The focus of my work was on the cost drivers, for which I was able to develop several significantly cheaper alternatives. For each…
Read more: Market analysis for a high voltage component
The company CONDIS SA wanted to expand its product portfolio. I was asked to analyze in which market segment the planned investments are best invested. A patent analysis gave me an overview of the applications in which the high-voltage component is used and what its important characteristic values are. To look ahead, I conducted an…
Read more: Optimization of the IP strategy
The patent portfolio at SELFRAG AG consists of over 100 patents in 15 patent families. This portfolio had to be managed and its costs periodically estimated for the budget. I have set up a management tool in Excel in which all the important processes relating to patents can be recorded. In addition, necessary deadlines can…
Read more: Your triple point is a triangle
Triangular relationships are complicated. That’s where the sparks fly. Many films deal with this topic and we as viewers are amused. In real life, it’s usually less fun. The triangular relationship, also called the triple point or line, also exists in high-voltage engineering. As with people, this is the place where it is most likely…
Read more: A wormhole for your problems
Escaping the problems through a wormhole is the plot for many science fiction movies. How would it be if you too could manage your problems in this way? Now wormholes are theoretically possible, but have not yet been observed in practice. But in a figurative sense, this is an approach: If you see the wormhole…
Read more: Implementation digital business processes
The Bern Bach Choir has 130 active members and organizes two concerts a year for an audience of up to 1`000 people. It is organized as an association, economically independent and has one employee, the conductor. I have honorary responsibility for the financial, administrative and HR areas. In this role, I digitized the entire business…
Read more: Verification of a flexible clamp
A flexible power terminal for connecting busbars for energy transport was developed by Sefag Components AG for a customer. To minimize the scope and cost of the test, I was asked to use FEM simulations to verify that the clamp design met the thermal and mechanical specifications. I modeled the terminal parametrically and used it…
Read more: Optical in-situ measurement
For industrial application in a difficult environment, an optical in-situ monitoring of fast pressure changes should be developed. This is based on a Bragg grating in an optical fiber. The laser wavelength was controlled to the grating. A change in the grating constant caused a variation in the light reflection. Within a CTI project with…
Read more: Strategic roadmap
The aim of this technical roadmap was to show different ways of technical development of the company for the next five years. I identified and categorized the technical development fields in relation to the current company strategy. Following a multi-level stage-gate principle, I defined measurable goals (gates) for each category. I then estimated time, human,…